
Congratulations to our students.  The competed at MSU West Plains in the Interscholastic Competition.   This was an event that took place on a Friday and since we did not have school that day, they took their own time to compete!  Thanks for going above and beyond and doing it well. 

Interscholastic Competition at Missouri State West Plains
Standing-Carter Voyles, Ethan Bland, Kailyn Burton, Jasmine Brown, Braden Harring, Cappi Boyer, Benjamin Ipock, Kneeling-Bree Naber, Diana Romeo

Winona HS Winners

Braden Harring-Government-3rd; Health Occupations-3rd

Benjamin Ipock- History-1st; English 1st

Captolia Boyer-Biology-1st

Jasmine Brown-Literature- 2nd; English 1st

Carter Voyles-Physical Science-1st

Ethan Bland-Psychology-3rd

Kailyn Burton-Speech 1st

Bree Naber-Philosophy-1st; Bookkeeping-2nd