We want to ensure that communication with our school community is clear, efficient, and safe for everyone. That’s why we encourage you to use Remind instead of social media for any school-related messages. Remind is a secure, dedicated platform where you can easily reach out to teachers, staff, and the school, ensuring that your messages are received and responded to in a timely manner. Unlike social media, Remind helps us maintain privacy and keep all communication focused on your child's education. Thank you for helping us keep our communication streamlined and effective!
1 day ago, Winona R-III Updates
Remind App
For the week of March 10th thru March 13, Vo-tech students are on Spring Break! If you attend Southern Missouri Technical Institute in the mornings you get to stay home. Please make sure you are back at Winona High School by 12:45 and sign in at the office.
3 days ago, Sue Smith
Recently, fourth-grade students created biography bottle buddies at their family night, following classroom research on their selected historical figures.
5 days ago, Staff Writer
March 12th is Sports Picture Day. Please make sure your athlete has all uniforms, including shoes, that will be needed for photos.
7 days ago, Yearbook Staff
Spring Sports Picture Day
March 3rd, Game Day Elementary Volleyball vs. West Plains. 4th Grade Volleyball in the MPG @ 5:00 6th Grade @ 5:00 in the HS with 5th Grade to follow.
8 days ago, Wildcat
Game Day
Mrs. Stacy’s first grade enjoyed practicing our spelling words in shaving cream today. It made our classroom smell so fresh.
9 days ago, Staff Writer
Kindness Club got a jump start on Dr. Seuss week by reading Horton Hears a Who. We then discussed all the kind characteristics Horton has. We got together and made a Kindness Poster and also colored bookmarks with Horton’s favorite quote “A Person’s a Person, No Matter How Small!”
9 days ago, Staff Writer
The Middle School Dance has been rescheduled for March 14th. 6 to 8 pm. Cost to enter is 5.00. This dance is open to Winona Students only.
14 days ago, School News
MS Dance
Join us for Elementary, 3rd Quarter Awards. March 13th in the HS Gym. 1:00 pm Doors will open to the public @ 12:45
15 days ago, School News
Join us for the Spring Book Fair. March 3rd through the 6th. Family night will be Wednesday, March 5th from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
15 days ago, School News
Book Fair
book fair
Mark your calendars for a fun filled evening, March 6, 2025
15 days ago, Amanda Kyle
Don't forget the blood driver here tomorrow. February 25th from 12:00 to 5 :00 pm in the MPG
15 days ago, School News
Blood Drive
March 6th will be Spring Picture Day. HS Gym. Please do not wear green.
16 days ago, Yearbook Staff
Spring Picture Day.
February 24th, Game day. HS Basketball Districts begin. Games will be held at Ellington HS. Winona vs. Ellington, 2-24-25 Game time is 7:30 pm Good Luck Boys.
16 days ago, Wildcat
Game Day
School will be in session tomorrow. Monday, February 24th. See you all then!
16 days ago, Wildcat
school is open
A huge thank you to our Transportation Director, Mr. Thacker. Our buses passed their annual bus inspection with a rating of 100%. Bus inspections are critical for maintaining road safety and ensuring that public transportation remains reliable and efficient. A perfect score of 100% during these inspections is not only a badge of honor for our transportation director and our school district, but also a reassurance for passengers and the community. Thank you Mr. Thacker for your dedication to our school district. You make us WILDCAT PROUD!
18 days ago, School News
2025 Bus Inspection
February 20th. The HS basketball game that was scheduled for Thursday evening has been canceled. No make up information at this time. The Middle School dance that was scheduled for Thurday has also been cancelled. Stay safe and warm!!
20 days ago, Wildcat
No school on Thursday, February 20th. This will be a weather day. Hope to see you all on Monday! Stay warm and enjoy some time with your families.☃️❄️
20 days ago, Wildcat
no school
No school on Wednesday, February 19th! Weather day! Stay safe and stay warm! ☃️❄️
21 days ago, Wildcat
school closed
February 18th. The HS Basketball game that was scheduled for tonight has been canceled due to the weather. No make up information is available at this time.
21 days ago, Wildcat