March 25th, The Jr. High Baseball game for today has been canceled.

BIG 3 Senior All Star Game will be played tonight @ 6:00 pm in Elsinore. Come on out and support, not only some great talent, but our very own NICK MCBRIDE. Go watch one more great game of basketball. GOOD LUCK NICK! Wear your purple with pride. You make us WILDCAT PROUD!!!!

Friday, March 22, there will be NO 6th grade elementary basketball practice today. There WILL be practice on Sunday at 1-2 in HS

High school baseball brings home the “W” over Willow Springs, 11 to 6. Go Wildcats

High school baseball wins 10-0 over Lesterville!!!

Saturday’s softball tournament in Piedmont/Clearwater has been canceled.

Remember tomorrow, March 7th, school will dismiss at noon. No school on Friday, March 8th. We will be in school on Monday, March 11th for our Snow Day Make up.

Don't forget the Scholastic Book Fair. Family night is tonight from 3 to 6 pm

March 4 - 7, Scholastic Book Fair.
Preschool will visit March 4th @ 8:45 am. Family Night is Wednesday, from 3 to 6 pm.

March 1st. Last day for Children’s Miracle Network coin drive!!! Help us to help others.

‘Cut Loose With Dr. Seuss’ week! Cat in the Hat Friday let’s see your most outrageous hats!!

No school on Thursday, February 28th due to possible slick roads.
Keep safe out there!!!

‘Cut Loose With Dr. Seuss’ week! . Wacky Thursday wear your wackiest outfits.

‘Cut Loose With Dr. Seuss’ week! Fox In Socks Wednesday is for silly socks.

Feb. 26th, Elementary Basketball @ Summersville.
There will be only a 4th and 6th grade game. NO 5th grade game this evening.

Day 2 of Dr. Suess week. Oh what fun we have!!!

‘Cut Loose With Dr. Seuss’ week! Thing Tuesday is crazy hair day.

Elementary Volleyball, Season Opener tonight.
Games start at 5 pm vs. Willow Springs. Grades 4, 5 and 6. Come out and support your Winona Wildcats

Tomorrow kicks off the Coin Drive for Children's Miracle Network. High School and Middle School compete for a doughnut breakfast. Remember your change!!!

Tomorrow begins Winona Elementary’s ‘Cut Loose With Dr. Seuss’ week!
Monday is Reading Rocks day, so wear clothes with words!